Startup/Business Name
Founders’ Names & Roles
Mobile Number
Social Media Page Links (If Any)
Website (If Any)
Year Founded
Legal Status
Who are the core team members, and what are their backgrounds?
Have you partnered with any other organizations or individuals? If yes, provide details or write no:
What is the product/service you are offering?
What specific problem does your product/service solve?
Who are your target customers or users?
What makes your product/service unique compared to competitors?
Have you conducted any market research? If yes, share key insights:
Do you hold any intellectual property (e.g., patents, trademarks)? —Please choose an option—YesNo
What is the current stage of your Business/startup (idea, prototype, beta, launched)?
Have you achieved any significant milestones (e.g., revenue, partnerships)?
What is your current revenue, if any? If not, write no:
How many customers/users do you currently have?
What is your customer acquisition strategy?
How much have you invested in the Business/startup so far?
What is your current monthly burn rate (operational expenses)?
What are your primary revenue streams & revenue?
What challenges or problems are you currently facing?
What are your short-term goals (next 6-12 months)?
What type of support are you seeking from ARY Bee Global?
Is there anything else you would like to share with us?